The Origin of Birthdays
What is the "Supposed" Dark Origin of Birthdays? Birthdays first started as a form of protection. Many pagan cultures thought that days of major change, such as these “birth” days, welcomed evil spirits. They lit candles in response to these spirits almost as if they represented a light in the darkness." ==================================================== "Have you Ever Wondered Where the Celebration of Birthdays Started?" "In the simplest of terms, it’s a time for friends and family to come together and celebrate you, the anniversary of your birth, and another year of your life under your belt. But there’s so much more to it than that. Birthdays have been constantly evolving throughout, turning into what we know it to be today. This widely used tradition started somewhere and that’s what we are looking to uncover here today. We’ve pieced together the hypotheses of several historians, making this one huge piece of our culture a little bit more comprehensi...